» Stress Cortisol Relief™ - Instructions How to Use ...
General Recommended Use

As a dietary supplement, take 2-4 pills daily to help manage daily stressors. During times of additional stress (mental, emotional and/or physical), you may increase the dose as needed. During times of less stress, take a lower dose.

First time users, start with 1 pill, 2x daily to see how your body reacts before increasing to the general recommended usage.

When starting any new supplement, it's a good idea to start at a lower dose for the first few days to see how you feel.

You may also take Stress & Cortisol Relief™ before bed to help promote healthier cortisol & stress hormones, which can support a restful night's sleep, without morning grogginess or diminishing daytime alertness. Take 1-3 pills, 30-60 min before bed.

Intense exercise (running, lifting weights, cross-fit, etc.) all increase cortisol and stress hormones post workout. Taking Stress & Cortisol Relief™ after a work can help lower stress hormones and improve positive hormones (testosterone, Growth Hormones, thyroid, insulin, etc.) and thus, help accelerate muscle growth and fat loss. Take 1-3 pills, immediately after a workout.

It's best to “cycle” this product and not to use it continuously (especially when using 4 pills or more, daily), or your body may adapt and results may be reduced. Taking 1-2 days off each week or 4-5 days off each month is a good idea.

Plant-derived cellulose gelatin (Vegetarian capsule), Rice Flour

Does NOT Contain: Any artificial colors, wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, egg, fish, peanuts.

For adults only. Consult your health care practitioner if pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your healthcare professional or doctor if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant, nursing or lactating. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.

Capsule Size: Capsules may always be opened and the contents poured into your mouth or a liquid beverage. capsule size

As the saying goes, "stress kills" and I believe this to be very true.*

The higher the stress levels, the bigger the increase in stress hormones and the LOWER your "healthy-aging" hormones* ...

This can cause many health problems because your body is in "survival" mode!*

negative health effects of stress

I Did It For ME

And because of this, I originally created Stress & Cortisol Relief™ for myself because I tend to "push" myself (Type-A personality) and I've had a demanding and stressful life.

  • years of going to school (while working the entire time)
  • running multiple businesses (working 7 days a week)
  • lifting weights & exercising daily (increases cortisol)
  • being a bad sleeper (increases stress hormones)

Of course, this doesn't even take into account daily life stressors such as money, family, relationships, etc., etc.

However, your goal should be to...

We obviously can't control the outside world, unless you want to live in a fake bubble.

However, I knew that I HAD to manage my stress HORMONES or else I am going to increase health problems in the future!*

Especially since the older we get, the higher our stress hormones*...

Older Age = Higher Cortisol17*

This is why the sooner you take action NOW, learn to manage stress better and utilize Stress & Cortisol Relief™ — the FASTER your results, and a more joyful future!*

If you're currently dealing with extra stress (money, relationships, work, health problems, etc.), you can use Stress & Cortisol Relief™ 2-3x daily or as needed.

However, for ME, I use it at TWO specific times:

Post Workout

cortisol skinny fat
Cortisol Can Make You "Skinny-Fat"*

After strenuous exercise (lifting weights, running, etc.) your stress hormones and cortisol levels are super high. This is NOT good.

Cortisol is "catabolic", which means it "tears down" muscle and can increase belly fat!...

So I take 2 pills right after my workouts to help promote healthy cortisol levels within a normal range, which also then helps promote testosterone -- the "anabolic" hormone (building more muscle).*

Before Bed

cortisol no deep sleep
Cortisol Can Decrease Deep Sleep*

If you have difficulty falling or staying asleep, chances are your stress hormones and cortisol may be elevated.*

Ideally, cortisol should be high in the morning, but low at night.

Unfortunately in modern times, we have elevated cortisol ALL day long (NOT good!)*

And when cortisol is high, Melatoninyour sleep hormone – is barely secreted.* They work in opposite directions.

So, I also take 1-2 pills about an hour before bed to help balance Cortisol & Melatonin levels within a normal range, allowing me to fall asleep naturally.*

And this is where Stress & Cortisol Relief's 9+ years of holistic & herbal ingredients can help support:

  • Healthy stress response (physical & emotional).*
  • Normal levels of stress hormones & cortisol.*
  • Healthy adrenal response & function.*
  • Strong appetite control.*
  • Relaxing sleep, positive mood & energy .*
Stress & Cortisol Relief
A "3-in-1" Healthy Stress Formula*

Stress & Cortisol Relief™ gives your body the specific nutrients that a "stressed" or "aging" body needs, to help promote better health from head to toe — especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.*

Unfortunately, there are many factors that can cause higher stress hormones & adrenal insufficiency...

  • genetics (personality type, bad sleeper, etc.)*
  • aging (due to negative changes in hormones)*
  • times of extra stress (physical and/or emotional)*
  • incorrect diet (wrong foods and/or macro-nutrients)*
  • improper exercise plan (too much, wrong times, etc.)*
  • drugs (alcohol, caffeine, antibiotics, prescription, etc.)*
https://www.cdc.gov & https://www.singlecare.com

However, It Is YOUR Responsibility...

We can't control other people or what goes on OUTSIDE of us with the world.

All we can do is manage our stress levels from WITHIN...

too many responsibilities
Life Can Be Overly Stressful At Times

Even though "extra sleep" may NOT be your fault... We both know that the older you get & the more stress you have, the worst this problem can become.

Please take action TODAY, improve your lifestyle and utilize natural options... So you can have less worry and feel more confident.*

Of course, there are lots of products & competition these days. People naturally want to know why ours might be better?...

  • Doctor formulated.
  • 9+ year proven success record.*
  • 688+ reviews (blood tests for proof)**
  • 3rd party validation for purity.*
  • "3 Products In 1" (saves time & money)
  • USA Made in an FDA approved facility.*
  • Gluten Free, Vegetarian & Non-GMO*
  • One YEAR, 200% Satisfaction, $100.00 Guarantee.ˆ